Un condivisibile auspicio per ebrei e palestinesi

Scrive Sergio Della Pergola (da Moked, "Cinque idee per sognare in ebraico"):

Il primo sogno che vorremmo allora augurare si avverasse per gli ebrei italiani sarebbe che di loro si parli meno, e che magari, se proprio se ne deve parlare, lo si faccia con migliore cognizione di causa.
Personalmente coltivo questo sogno con riferimento alla questione (ebraico/)israelo-palestinese nel suo complesso, ostaggio delle pulsioni politiche e delle schizofrenie mediatiche.


Ne approfitto per segnalare che ha avuto luogo la prima riunione del movimento Jcall (l'"Appello alla ragione" promosso da personalità ebraiche europee di primo piano, di cui rilancio le motivazioni) tenutasi a Parigi il 6 ottobre scorso: qui un video che riassume l'incontro.  

Riporto inoltre alcune loro condivisibili considerazioni sul recente incendio del Monte Carmelo:

"Like everyone in Israel, we were shocked and saddened by the fire that devastated Mount Carmel for four days, took 42 lives, destroyed more than 250 homes and burned 10,000 acres of forest. The toll is astounding. In Israel, it is now time to concentrate on finding out where the responsibility for this terrible event lies, and on plans for reconstruction.
For our part, we would like to make two remarks.
First, that this catastrophe revealed a severe lack of means for fighting fires in Israel. Listening to Interior Minister Elie Yishai, in charge of the management of the fire-fighters, declaring in his defence that one million NIS were allocated this year to the operating budget for fire control is ridiculous when compared to the billions of dollars invested in the Occupied Territories. This catastrophe highlighted once again the order of priority that Israeli leaders have been following for years.
Second, in order to extinguish the wildfire, Israel was obliged to call for foreign aid. We were able to witness, in the skies above Mount Carmel; a ballet of Turkish, American and Russian planes flying together, alongside planes from the 20 other countries who answered the Israeli Prime Minister’s call for help. This was the best proof that the “Everyone is against us” argument, too-often used in Israel, is not true. To see, on the ground, Israeli firemen fighting alongside Palestinian firemen from the Palestinian territories is a strong sign of what cooperation between these two entities could look like when a Palestinian state finally comes into existence. "

Una risposta a “

  1. speriamo che l'incendio abbia fatto venire qualche dubbio a qualcuno

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